
A Plait application is made up of components which represent small, self-contained pieces of functionality. A component has a state (or a model, if you prefer), a view, and an updater which it uses to modify its state.

Writing a component is simple, since a component is just a plain JavaScript object with three functions:

function init () {
  return {
    balance: 0

function update (state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'DEPOSIT':
      return state.update('balance', b => b + action.amount)

function view (state, dispatch) {
  return h(
      'ev-click': dispatch({ type: 'DEPOSIT', amount: 1000 })
    'Deposit 1000'


This function is called by Plait to retrieve the initial state of a component. You don't need to define all of the state's properties up-front; you only need to provide values for properties which you know you will need to render the component for the first time.

You can also optionally return an action from init by returning an array of [state, action]. This is useful for doing things like loading remote data.


The update function is responsible for modifying a component's state. It is given the component's current state and an action.

An action is just a plain JavaScript object which you can pass around your components to describe changes. All actions must have a type property, but other than that, their structure is entirely up to you.

This function is pure, which means that rather than directly modifying the state, it returns a copy of the state. Plait makes this simple because a component's state is always wrapped in a State object.

Note: A Plait component's update function might be familiar if you have used Redux -- it is essentially a reducer.


The view function renders a component at any given state. It is given the component's state (as a State object) and a dispatch function which can be used by event handlers.

Views are written using virtual-hyperscript, though it is possible to write them with JSX and transform them into virtual-hyperscript using something like jsx-transform.

Using JSX, the view function above could be written as:

function view (state, dispatch) {
  return (
    <button ev-click={dispatch({ type: 'DEPOSIT', amount: 1000 })}>
      Deposit 1000

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