
Plait came from the idea that there are only really three key parts required to build a reactive JavaScript application: state management, event delegation, and virtual DOM rendering.

Inspired by the model-view-update architecture of Elm, the goal of Plait was to provide a framework for creating reactive components — without actually writing a framework. In under 200 lines of code, Plait manages to achieve this by gluing together three libraries:

  • Redux, which provides state management and is the backbone of the reactive "update" cycle.
  • virtual-dom, which provides virtual DOM rendering.
  • dom-delegator, which transparently delegates DOM events.

Plait itself only implements two things:

  • An immutable state container, which enforces a pure update cycle within components.
  • Event forwarding, to facilitate the nesting of components.

Everything else is either glue between the other libraries, or convenience functions to make interfacing with the other libraries easier.

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